Thursday 1 November 2012

Extinct animals

    Antillean cave rat
  • Arabian gazelle
  • Aurochs
  • Barbados raccoon
  • Barbados rice-rat
  • Barbuda rice-rat
  • Barbuda rice-rat
  • Basalt plains mouse
  • Bavarian pine vole
  • Big-eared hopping mouse
  • Black-footed ferret
  • Bluebuck
  • Blunt-toothed mouse
  • Brazilian three-banded armadillo
  • Broad-faced potoroo
  • Buhler's rat
  • Bulldog rat
  • Canary mouse
  • Cayman Brac hutia
  • Cayman Brac nesophont
  • Cayman hutia
  • Central hare-wallaby
  • Central rock rat
  • Columbian hutia
  • Corozal rat
  • Corsican shrew
  • Crescent nailtail
  • Cuban spider monkey
  • Curaçao giant rice rat
  • Curaçao sloth
  • Curio's giant rat
  • Dark flying fox
  • Darling Downs hopping mouse
  • Darwin's Galapagos mouse
  • Desert bandicoot
  • Desert rat-kangaroo
  • Dusky flying fox
  • Eastern hare-wallaby
  • Emperor rat
  • Falkland Islands dog
  • Fernandina Galapagos mouse
  • Field's mouse
  • Flat-headed myotis
  • Flores cave rat
  • Flores long-nosed rat
  • Florida naked-tailed rat
  • Giant deer mouse
  • Goliath white-toothed shrew
  • Grand Cayman hutia
  • Atlantic gray whale
  • Great hopping mouse
  • Great key mouse
  • Grooved-toothed forest mouse
  • Guadalcanal rat
  • Guam flying fox
  • Gulf of California woodrat
  • Gull Island vole
  • Hairy-eared dwarf lemur
  • Haitian edible rat
  • Hensel's field mouse
  • Ilin bushy-tailed cloud rat
  • Imposter hutia
  • Indefatigable Galapagos mouse
  • Insular cave rat
  • Jamaica rice-rat
  • Jamaican monkey
  • Jamaican pallid flower bat
  • Large Corsican field vole
  • Large funnel-eared bat
  • Large ghost faced bat
  • Large Palau flying fox
  • Large sloth lemur
  • Large-eared tenrec
  • Lava mouse
  • Lemke's hutia
  • Lesser bilby
  • Lesser Cuban nesophont
  • Lesser stick-nest rat
  • Lesser yellow bat
  • Long-tailed hopping mouse
  • long-nosed potoroo
  • Lord Howe Island bat
  • Maclear's rat
  • Madagascan pygmy hippopotamus; common Malagasy hippo
  • Malagasy dwarf hippopotamus
  • Marcano's solenodon
  • Marianas flying fox
  • Martinique giant rice-rat
  • Miller's myotis
  • Montane hutia
  • Mummy shrew
  • Negros naked-backed fruit bat
  • Nelson's rice-rat
  • Nendo tube-nosed fruit bat
  • New Guinea big-eared bat
  • New Zealand greater short-tailed bat
  • Old fig-eating bat
  • Omilteme cottontail
  • Oriente cave rat
  • Osborn's key mouse
  • Pemberton's deer mouse
  • Philippine fruit bat
  • Pigfooted bandicoot
  • Poey's pallid flower bat
  • Pristine mustached bat
  • Przewalski's horse
  • Puerto Rican flower bat
  • Puerto Rican hutia
  • Puerto Rican plate-toothed mouse
  • Puerto Rican sloth
  • Queen of Sheba's gazelle
  • Rabida Galapagos mouse
  • Red fruit bat
  • Red gazelle
  • Red hairy-tailed bat
  • Santiago Galapagos Mouse
  • Sardinian pika
  • Saudi gazelle
  • Schomburgk's deer
  • Sea mink
  • Short-horned water buffalo
  • Short-tailed hopping mouse
  • Small key mouse
  • Southeastern pocket gopher
  • St. Lucia giant rice-rat
  • St. Vincent pygmy rice-rat
  • Standing's hippo
  • Steller's sea cow
  • Sturdee's Bonin pipistrelle
  • Swan Island hutia
  • Tanzania woolly bat
  • Tasmanian bettong
  • Thylacine; Tasmanian wolf
  • Toolache wallaby
  • Torre's cave rat
  • Tretretretre
  • Verhoeven's giant tree rat
  • Vespucci's rat
  • Victorious nesophont
  • Vietnam warty pig
  • West Indian monk seal
  • West Indian porcupine
  • Western Cuban nesophont
  • Western palm squirrel
  • White-footed rabbit-rat


  • Ascension flightless crake
  • Atitlan grebe
  • Auckland Island merganser
  • Bishop's O`o
  • Black mamo
  • Black-fronted parakeet
  • Bonin Grosbeak
  • Bonin Wood pigeon
  • Brawny great moa
  • Burley lesser moa
  • Canarian black oystercatcher
  • Carolina parakeet
  • Chatham Island banded rail
  • Chatham Island rail
  • Chatham Island swan
  • Columbian grebe
  • Crested sheldrake
  • Cuban red mawcaw
  • Dodo
  • Four-coloured flowerpecker
  • Gaudalupe caracara
  • Gaudalupe storm-petrel
  • Glaucous mawcaw
  • Grand Cayman thrush
  • Great auk
  • Great elephantbird
  • Greater `amakihi
  • Greater Koa finch
  • Hawaii `akialoa
  • Hawaii O`o
  • Hawaiian mamo
  • Hawaiian rail
  • Himalayan mountain quail
  • Hollandais pigeon
  • Huia
  • Jamaican least pauraque
  • Kangaroo Island black emu
  • Kioea
  • Kittlitz's thrush
  • Kona grosbeak
  • Kosrae crake
  • Kosrae Mountain starling
  • Labrador duck
  • Lanai `akialoa
  • Lanai creeper
  • Lanai hookbill
  • Lanai thrush
  • Laysan honeycreeper
  • Laysan millerbird
  • Laysan rail
  • Laysan rail
  • Lesser Koa finch
  • Lord Howe purple gallinule
  • Lord Howe white-eye
  • Mascarene coot
  • Mascarene parrot
  • Mauritian duck
  • Mauritian shelduck
  • Mauritius grey parrot
  • Mauritius night-heron
  • Mauritius parrot
  • Mysterious starling
  • New Caledonia lorikeet
  • New Caledonia wood rail
  • New Caledonian owlet-frogmouth
  • New Zealand bush wren
  • New Zealand little bittern
  • New Zealand quail
  • Norfolk Island kaka
  • Norfolk Island starling
  • Oahu `akepa
  • Oahu `akialoa
  • Oahu nukupu`u
  • Oahu O`o
  • Oahu thrush
  • Passenger pigeon
  • Pink-headed duck
  • Pipio or New Zealand thrush
  • Pohnpei Mountain starling
  • Raiatea parakeet
  • Red rail
  • Red-moustached fruit-dove
  • Reuinon dodo
  • Reunion flightless ibis
  • Rodrigues night-heron
  • Snail-eating coua
  • South Island tokoweka
  • Speckled cormorant
  • Ula-ai-hawane
  • Reunion Island starling
  • Rodrigues Island starling
  • Rodrigues little owl
  • Rodrigues parrot
  • Rodrigues pigeon
  • Rodrigues rail
  • Rodrigues ring-necked parakeet
  • Rodrigues solitaire
  • RyuKyu kingfisher
  • Ryukyu wood pigeon
  • Samoan woodhen
  • Seychelles Alexandrine parrot
  • Slender-billed grackle
  • Solomon Island crowned pigeon
  • Stephen Island wren
  • Thahiti sandpiper
  • Townsend's finch
  • Tristan moorhen
  • Wake Island rail

  • FISH

    • Alien splitfin
    • Alvord cutthroat trout
    • Ameca shiner
    • Amistad gambusia
    • Ash meadows killifish
    • Ash Meadows poolfish
    • Bagangan
    • Banff longnose dace
    • Baolan
    • Bitungu
    • Black kokanee
    • Blackfin cisco
    • Blue Pike
    • Cachorrito de Charco Palma
    • Catostomidae
    • Cicek
    • Clear Lake splittail
    • Cottidae
    • Cuitzeo silverside
    • Cyprinidae
    • Cyprinodontidae
    • Dallia pectoralis
    • Deepwater ciscoe
    • Disa
    • Duck-billed buntingi
    • Durango shiner
    • Dwarf sturgeon
    • Endorheic dace
    • Fera
    • Ferit
    • Ganolytes cameo
    • Ginger pearlfish
    • Graceful priapella
    • Grass Valley speckled dace
    • Gravenche
    • Greasefish
    • Harelip sucker
    • Independence Valley tui chub
    • June sucker
    • Kandar
    • Katapa-tapa
    • Kilch
    • Kyoyto ninespine stickleback
    • Ladakh snowtrout
    • Lake Ontario kiyi
    • Lake Titicaca orestias
    • Las Vegas dace
    • least silverside
    • Lerma chub
    • Longjaw ciscoe
    • Manalak
    • Maravillas red shiner
    • Mexican dace
    • Miller Lake Lamprey
    • Monkey Spring pupfish
    • New Zealand grayling
    • Opal allotoca
    • Orkney char
    • Pahranagat spinedace
    • Pahrump Ranch poolfish
    • Pait
    • Palata
    • Palaeoesox fritzschei
    • Parras characodon
    • Parras pupfish
    • Percidae
    • Pfarrig
    • Phantom shiner
    • Plateau dace
    • Poeciliidae
    • Popta's buntingi
    • Raycraft ranch poolfish
    • Rio Grande bluntnose shiner
    • Salado shiner
    • Salmonidae
    • San Marcos gambusia
    • Sarasin's minnow
    • Scharff's charr
    • Scioto madtom
    • Silver trout
    • Sirang
    • Snake River sucker
    • Stumptooth minnow
    • Suwa gudgeon
    • Syr-Darya shovelnose
    • Tanypterichthys pridensis
    • Tecopa pupfish
    • Tesselated pupfish
    • Thicktail chub
    • Tiefseesaibling
    • Umbra limi
    • Utah lake sculpin
    • Whiteline topminnow
    • Vag baligi
    • Yellowfin cutthroat trout
    • Zona

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