Thursday 1 November 2012

Extinct animals

    Antillean cave rat
  • Arabian gazelle
  • Aurochs
  • Barbados raccoon
  • Barbados rice-rat
  • Barbuda rice-rat
  • Barbuda rice-rat
  • Basalt plains mouse
  • Bavarian pine vole
  • Big-eared hopping mouse
  • Black-footed ferret
  • Bluebuck
  • Blunt-toothed mouse
  • Brazilian three-banded armadillo
  • Broad-faced potoroo
  • Buhler's rat
  • Bulldog rat
  • Canary mouse
  • Cayman Brac hutia
  • Cayman Brac nesophont
  • Cayman hutia
  • Central hare-wallaby
  • Central rock rat
  • Columbian hutia
  • Corozal rat
  • Corsican shrew
  • Crescent nailtail
  • Cuban spider monkey
  • Curaçao giant rice rat
  • Curaçao sloth
  • Curio's giant rat
  • Dark flying fox
  • Darling Downs hopping mouse
  • Darwin's Galapagos mouse
  • Desert bandicoot
  • Desert rat-kangaroo
  • Dusky flying fox
  • Eastern hare-wallaby
  • Emperor rat
  • Falkland Islands dog
  • Fernandina Galapagos mouse
  • Field's mouse
  • Flat-headed myotis
  • Flores cave rat
  • Flores long-nosed rat
  • Florida naked-tailed rat
  • Giant deer mouse
  • Goliath white-toothed shrew
  • Grand Cayman hutia
  • Atlantic gray whale
  • Great hopping mouse
  • Great key mouse
  • Grooved-toothed forest mouse
  • Guadalcanal rat
  • Guam flying fox
  • Gulf of California woodrat
  • Gull Island vole
  • Hairy-eared dwarf lemur
  • Haitian edible rat
  • Hensel's field mouse
  • Ilin bushy-tailed cloud rat
  • Imposter hutia
  • Indefatigable Galapagos mouse
  • Insular cave rat
  • Jamaica rice-rat
  • Jamaican monkey
  • Jamaican pallid flower bat
  • Large Corsican field vole
  • Large funnel-eared bat
  • Large ghost faced bat
  • Large Palau flying fox
  • Large sloth lemur
  • Large-eared tenrec
  • Lava mouse
  • Lemke's hutia
  • Lesser bilby
  • Lesser Cuban nesophont
  • Lesser stick-nest rat
  • Lesser yellow bat
  • Long-tailed hopping mouse
  • long-nosed potoroo
  • Lord Howe Island bat
  • Maclear's rat
  • Madagascan pygmy hippopotamus; common Malagasy hippo
  • Malagasy dwarf hippopotamus
  • Marcano's solenodon
  • Marianas flying fox
  • Martinique giant rice-rat
  • Miller's myotis
  • Montane hutia
  • Mummy shrew
  • Negros naked-backed fruit bat
  • Nelson's rice-rat
  • Nendo tube-nosed fruit bat
  • New Guinea big-eared bat
  • New Zealand greater short-tailed bat
  • Old fig-eating bat
  • Omilteme cottontail
  • Oriente cave rat
  • Osborn's key mouse
  • Pemberton's deer mouse
  • Philippine fruit bat
  • Pigfooted bandicoot
  • Poey's pallid flower bat
  • Pristine mustached bat
  • Przewalski's horse
  • Puerto Rican flower bat
  • Puerto Rican hutia
  • Puerto Rican plate-toothed mouse
  • Puerto Rican sloth
  • Queen of Sheba's gazelle
  • Rabida Galapagos mouse
  • Red fruit bat
  • Red gazelle
  • Red hairy-tailed bat
  • Santiago Galapagos Mouse
  • Sardinian pika
  • Saudi gazelle
  • Schomburgk's deer
  • Sea mink
  • Short-horned water buffalo
  • Short-tailed hopping mouse
  • Small key mouse
  • Southeastern pocket gopher
  • St. Lucia giant rice-rat
  • St. Vincent pygmy rice-rat
  • Standing's hippo
  • Steller's sea cow
  • Sturdee's Bonin pipistrelle
  • Swan Island hutia
  • Tanzania woolly bat
  • Tasmanian bettong
  • Thylacine; Tasmanian wolf
  • Toolache wallaby
  • Torre's cave rat
  • Tretretretre
  • Verhoeven's giant tree rat
  • Vespucci's rat
  • Victorious nesophont
  • Vietnam warty pig
  • West Indian monk seal
  • West Indian porcupine
  • Western Cuban nesophont
  • Western palm squirrel
  • White-footed rabbit-rat


  • Ascension flightless crake
  • Atitlan grebe
  • Auckland Island merganser
  • Bishop's O`o
  • Black mamo
  • Black-fronted parakeet
  • Bonin Grosbeak
  • Bonin Wood pigeon
  • Brawny great moa
  • Burley lesser moa
  • Canarian black oystercatcher
  • Carolina parakeet
  • Chatham Island banded rail
  • Chatham Island rail
  • Chatham Island swan
  • Columbian grebe
  • Crested sheldrake
  • Cuban red mawcaw
  • Dodo
  • Four-coloured flowerpecker
  • Gaudalupe caracara
  • Gaudalupe storm-petrel
  • Glaucous mawcaw
  • Grand Cayman thrush
  • Great auk
  • Great elephantbird
  • Greater `amakihi
  • Greater Koa finch
  • Hawaii `akialoa
  • Hawaii O`o
  • Hawaiian mamo
  • Hawaiian rail
  • Himalayan mountain quail
  • Hollandais pigeon
  • Huia
  • Jamaican least pauraque
  • Kangaroo Island black emu
  • Kioea
  • Kittlitz's thrush
  • Kona grosbeak
  • Kosrae crake
  • Kosrae Mountain starling
  • Labrador duck
  • Lanai `akialoa
  • Lanai creeper
  • Lanai hookbill
  • Lanai thrush
  • Laysan honeycreeper
  • Laysan millerbird
  • Laysan rail
  • Laysan rail
  • Lesser Koa finch
  • Lord Howe purple gallinule
  • Lord Howe white-eye
  • Mascarene coot
  • Mascarene parrot
  • Mauritian duck
  • Mauritian shelduck
  • Mauritius grey parrot
  • Mauritius night-heron
  • Mauritius parrot
  • Mysterious starling
  • New Caledonia lorikeet
  • New Caledonia wood rail
  • New Caledonian owlet-frogmouth
  • New Zealand bush wren
  • New Zealand little bittern
  • New Zealand quail
  • Norfolk Island kaka
  • Norfolk Island starling
  • Oahu `akepa
  • Oahu `akialoa
  • Oahu nukupu`u
  • Oahu O`o
  • Oahu thrush
  • Passenger pigeon
  • Pink-headed duck
  • Pipio or New Zealand thrush
  • Pohnpei Mountain starling
  • Raiatea parakeet
  • Red rail
  • Red-moustached fruit-dove
  • Reuinon dodo
  • Reunion flightless ibis
  • Rodrigues night-heron
  • Snail-eating coua
  • South Island tokoweka
  • Speckled cormorant
  • Ula-ai-hawane
  • Reunion Island starling
  • Rodrigues Island starling
  • Rodrigues little owl
  • Rodrigues parrot
  • Rodrigues pigeon
  • Rodrigues rail
  • Rodrigues ring-necked parakeet
  • Rodrigues solitaire
  • RyuKyu kingfisher
  • Ryukyu wood pigeon
  • Samoan woodhen
  • Seychelles Alexandrine parrot
  • Slender-billed grackle
  • Solomon Island crowned pigeon
  • Stephen Island wren
  • Thahiti sandpiper
  • Townsend's finch
  • Tristan moorhen
  • Wake Island rail

  • FISH

    • Alien splitfin
    • Alvord cutthroat trout
    • Ameca shiner
    • Amistad gambusia
    • Ash meadows killifish
    • Ash Meadows poolfish
    • Bagangan
    • Banff longnose dace
    • Baolan
    • Bitungu
    • Black kokanee
    • Blackfin cisco
    • Blue Pike
    • Cachorrito de Charco Palma
    • Catostomidae
    • Cicek
    • Clear Lake splittail
    • Cottidae
    • Cuitzeo silverside
    • Cyprinidae
    • Cyprinodontidae
    • Dallia pectoralis
    • Deepwater ciscoe
    • Disa
    • Duck-billed buntingi
    • Durango shiner
    • Dwarf sturgeon
    • Endorheic dace
    • Fera
    • Ferit
    • Ganolytes cameo
    • Ginger pearlfish
    • Graceful priapella
    • Grass Valley speckled dace
    • Gravenche
    • Greasefish
    • Harelip sucker
    • Independence Valley tui chub
    • June sucker
    • Kandar
    • Katapa-tapa
    • Kilch
    • Kyoyto ninespine stickleback
    • Ladakh snowtrout
    • Lake Ontario kiyi
    • Lake Titicaca orestias
    • Las Vegas dace
    • least silverside
    • Lerma chub
    • Longjaw ciscoe
    • Manalak
    • Maravillas red shiner
    • Mexican dace
    • Miller Lake Lamprey
    • Monkey Spring pupfish
    • New Zealand grayling
    • Opal allotoca
    • Orkney char
    • Pahranagat spinedace
    • Pahrump Ranch poolfish
    • Pait
    • Palata
    • Palaeoesox fritzschei
    • Parras characodon
    • Parras pupfish
    • Percidae
    • Pfarrig
    • Phantom shiner
    • Plateau dace
    • Poeciliidae
    • Popta's buntingi
    • Raycraft ranch poolfish
    • Rio Grande bluntnose shiner
    • Salado shiner
    • Salmonidae
    • San Marcos gambusia
    • Sarasin's minnow
    • Scharff's charr
    • Scioto madtom
    • Silver trout
    • Sirang
    • Snake River sucker
    • Stumptooth minnow
    • Suwa gudgeon
    • Syr-Darya shovelnose
    • Tanypterichthys pridensis
    • Tecopa pupfish
    • Tesselated pupfish
    • Thicktail chub
    • Tiefseesaibling
    • Umbra limi
    • Utah lake sculpin
    • Whiteline topminnow
    • Vag baligi
    • Yellowfin cutthroat trout
    • Zona

    Smashing Sheep

    Baby sheep are called Lambs.

    This is a hairy one.

    The owners of the sheep had a competition.

     The vikings won!

    Latin names for mammals


    Short-nosed echidna=Tachyglossus aculeatus
    Koala=Phascolarctos cinereus
    Duck-billed platypus=Ornithorhynchus anatinus
    Red kangaroo=Macropus rufus
    Aardvark=Orycteropus afer
    Western European hedgehog=Erinaceus europaeus
    European mole=Talpa europaea
    Eurasian shrew=Sorex araneus
    Bushveld sengi=Elephantulus intufi
    Six-banded armadillo=Euphractus sexcinctus
    Long-tailed pangolin=Manis tetradactyla
    Giant anteater=Myrmecophaga tridactyla
    Vampire bat=Desmodus rotundus
    Brown long-eared bat=Plecotus auritus
    Lesser horseshoe bat=Rhinolophus hipposideros
    Spectacled flying fox=Pteropus conspicillatus
    Ring-tailed lemur=Lemur catta
    Philippine tarsier=Tarsius syrichta
    Common marmoset=Callithrix jacchus
    Mandrill=Mandrillus sphinx
    Crested porcupine=Hystrix cristata
    Eastern grey squirrel=Sciurus carolinensis
    Naked mole-rat=Heterocephalus glaber
    Brown rat=Rattus norvegicus
    European hare=Lepus europaeus
    Fennec fox=Vulpes zerda
    Polar bear=Ursus maritimus
    Grey wolf=Canis lupus
    Red panda=Ailurus fulgens
    Lion=Panthera leo
    Sea otter=Enhydra lutris
    Leopard=panthera pardus
    Caracal=Caracal caracal
    Least weasel=Mustela nivali
    Racoon=Procyon lotor
    Striped skunk=Mephitis mephitis
    Meerkat=Suricata suricatta
    Walrus=Odobenus rosmarus
    Common seal=Phoca vitulina
    African savanna elephant=Loxodonta africana
    Asiatic elephant=Elephas maximus
    African forest elephant=Loxodonta cyclotis
    Axis deer=Axis Axis
    Impala=Aepyceros melampus
    Hippopotamus=Hippopotumus amphibius
    Giraffe=Giraffa camelopardalis
    Bactrian camel=Camelus bactrainus
    Sperm whale=Physeter catodon
    Killer whale=Orcinus orca
    Humpback whale=Megaptera novaeangliae
    Amazon river dolphin=Lnia geoffrensis

    Wednesday 31 October 2012

    Quacking Quiz

    Try to answer as many questions as you can

    Good luck!

    You will find all the answers on the website
    Use the comment box to send me your answers and your name (not your real name)

    1. How long does it take for a penguins eggs hatch?

    2. Name 3 extinct animals.

    3. What is the latin name for Red Kangaroo

    4. What is a baby wallaby called?

    5. Who won the sheep competion

    6. Why is the light on for the ducklings?

    7. What is a male donkey called?

    8. How many badges has the donkey won?

    9. What are baby sheep called?

    10. Is a dodo extinct?

    Winners for the Quiz so far

    1. Bug Boy

    Friday 8 June 2012

    Dashing Dogs

    This is a picture of Beagles (those are the type).

    They live in Sherborne country show. 

    They eat totally everything but the things that are healthy for them is meat, grass and dog food

    There all really hungry.

    That ones getting the food before anyone else.

    They had a race.

    Thursday 7 June 2012

    Delightful Ducklings and Chirpy Chicks

    This is a picture of ducklings (I got to hold one).

    They live in Sherborne country show.

    The chicks have a light on to keep them warm.