Saturday 5 November 2011

Wallaby Wobble

I have taken some photos of wallabies.

Wallabies live in Australia,  but I found these wallabies in England . 

  • Male wallabies are called boomers and females are called flyers. 
  • A group of wallabies is called a mob.  
  • Wallabies eat plants and grass. Wallabies live in trees, woods and land. 
  • They bounce up and down like kangaroos.

  • A baby wallaby is called a joey and a joey can stay in its mother's pouch for 130-150 days. 
  • When joeys are 150 days old they leave their mother's pouch and bounce the same as the other wallabies.

These pictures are of Bennett's wallabies. 

This is me taking a photo of a wallaby.  


  1. What an interesting web page! Thank you, Matu, I have learned a lot of wonderful information about wallabies. I really like your photographs too, the wallabies - especially the Joeys! - look really cute!

  2. hi Matu this comment is from me & gran & grandad,

    Great pictures of wallabies Matu,we remember seeing you feed them when you were last here,when you took these pics infact.Do you remember the white wallabie.Look foward to seeing your next blog :) carry on the good work

  3. Hi Matu, what a fantastic website but I couldn't work out which one was you and which one was the wallaby

  4. Hi Matu!

    Heard about your fab the photographs! Maybe you will see them in the wild in Australia one day. When Christey lived in Australia, she saw lots of weird and wonderful creatures- she even had a possum which used to sleep outside her bedroom window and snore at night!

    Keep up the great work, looking forward to seeing which animal features next. Look out David Attenbrough!

    Lots of love, Mandy xxxxxx

  5. Naomi asked me to leave you this message:

    Hi Matu
    I've looked at your wonderful website. The pictures are gorgeous and very clear. I was really impressed. I learned a lot about wallabies. I shall certainly visit your website very often. Love from Naomi

  6. Hi Matu

    I love your website. I never knew female wallabies were called flyers! Great photos too.

    Thanks for sending me the link to your website - really enjoyed it.

    Love Maria

  7. I love your website. It is amazing! Love from Tom

  8. You are a very clever boy, Matu. Not only have you taken amazing wildlife photos but you have also learnt how to use blogger. You have created a fantastic website! You should feel really proud. I know that I am! Lots of love from Mummy xx

  9. Dearest Matu, Your photos are fantastic and your writing is so brilliant. I have learned so much. Well done, my sweetheart. I am so very proud of you. You are even more brilliant that the penguins and the wallabies! All my love a cuddles, Netta xxx
